Showing all 9 results

BendixKing AeroPower USB Charging Port

BendixKing AeroPower USB Charging Port Flexible BendixKing AeroPower installation is minimal and straightforward – drill-in cylindrical shape. It is also

MD93 Series Digital Clock | Dual 2.1 Amp USB Charger

MD93 Series Digital Clock | Dual 2.1 Amp USB Charger 2.1 amp output current Compact 2-inch size fits in a

MD93H Digital Clock | Dual 3.0 Amp USB Charger

3.0 amp output current Compact 2-inch size fits in a standard panel cutout Six-digit, seven-segment LED clock and 3.0 amp

Mid-Continent CH93 Digital Clock & High Power Dual USB Charger

Mid-Continent CH93 Digital Clock & High Power Dual USB-A Charger Features Six-digit, seven-segment aircraft LED clock Eight modes: local time,

Mid-Continent CH93 Digital Clock & High Power USB Charger

Mid-Continent CH93 Digital Clock & High Power USB Charger Features Six-digit, seven-segment aircraft LED clock Eight modes: local time, UTC/Zulu

smartPower 250 | Dual USB Ports

Guardian Avionics smartPower 250 Dual USB Ports Features Keeps USB charged devices powered including smartphones, tablets, GPS units, and cameras

smartPower 250 USB | Single USB & Apple Lighteningâ„¢ Ports

Guardian Avionics smartPower 250 USB Charging Port Features Keeps USB charged devices powered including smartphones, tablets, GPS units, and cameras