The KR 87 maintains its reputation for offering superb dependability. This compact TSO’d unit gives you accurate bearing-to-station in the 200 kHz to 1799 kHz frequency range, complete with ADF, ANT and BFO tuning modes, plus audio output for station identification and monitoring AM broadcasts.
This compact TSO’d unit gives you accurate bearing-to-station in the 200kHz to 1799kHz frequency range, complete with ADF, ANT and BFO tuning modes, plus audio output for station identification and monitoring AM broadcasts. The KR 87’s advanced coherent detection design rejects unwanted frequency noise and achieves much greater range while remaining less susceptible to engine noise, static and atmospheric interference. Its flip-flop frequency display allows you to switch between pre-selected standby and active frequencies with the touch of a button.
Both frequencies are stored in a non-volatile memory circuit, meaning you don’t have to worry about battery power.
System priced as Silver Crown Plus ADF with slaved KI 228 Indicator system.
The basic KR 87 system includes the KR 87 receiver, the KI 227 indicator with rotatable compass card and the aerodynamically designed KA 44B combined loop and sense antenna, in addtion to mounting racks and connectors. The all solid-state KR 87 receiver will operate on any DC voltage from 11 to 33 volts. It draws only 12 watts power, so no external cooling is required. The standard KI 227 ADF indicator has an optically coated, non-reflecting glass lens that can be cleaned without scratching and has a manually rotated compass card. The KA 44B combined loop and sense antenna is an aerodynamically clean design, and greatly simplifies installation. It contains preamplifier and modular circuits which combine the antenna signals into a single input to the receiver. Cable is not critical and, as only one cable is required, this ADF system is simple and fast to install. The flight timer is a real aid for fuel management or dead reckoning on extremely long flights. The flight timer will measure flight time up to 59 minutes. The flight timer starts when power is applied to the unit through an avionics master, the unit’s own ON/OFF switch optional external switch (like a gear strut switch or other device). Flight time will be displayed in the right hand window in place of the standby frequency when power is first applied. “FLT” will be annunciated. Flight time can be checked at any time during a flight, regardless of what is being displayed in the right window, simply by pressing the FLT/ET button to announce “FLT”. The elapsed timer supplies a separate programmable “stopwatch” function which is invaluable for timing a holding pattern, a nonprecision approach, or an individual trip leg. The elapsed timer can be programmed to clock forward from :00 or to count down from any preset time interval up to 59 minutes, 59 seconds. In the count down mode, when the elapsed timer reaches :00 the right hand display will alert you by flashing for 15 seconds as the timer starts counting up. An optional aural alarm (if installed) will be activated for about one second.