SV42 (standard output arm)
(Includes SV42: 101008-000, Limiting Bracket Kit: 101025-000)
55 inch-pounds
COMPATIBILITY: The existing Dynon servos used with the D10/D100 Series are be compatible with the SkyView System. There are seven wire leads on each Servo; five of them are used with the D10/D100 Series. SkyView will use all seven wires, with the extra two wires used to add a second network connection for redundancy.
IMPORTANT – SERVO FIRMWARE UPGRADE REQUIRED: If you have a servo that was shipped prior to SkyView release (December 1st, 2009), then your servo needs to be upgraded to at least Version 5.2 firmware before they can be used with SkyView. If you have a D10/D100 EFIS, then you should upgrade your servos to 5.2 (or the latest available) before switching to a SkyView System. If you do not have access to a D10/D100 EFIS to perform the upgrade, then your servos will have to be returned to Dynon to be upgraded. If your servos were shipped with Version 5.2 or higher firmware, they will have a sticker that says “SkyView Ready”.